Lake Michigan Heating, Cooling, Plumbing

Vetted Business Credentials Report

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A GRASSROOTS COMPANY WITH HUMBLE BEGINNINGS It was Daniel Vanderhyde’s childhood dream to work for his father’s company. He worked as a plumber for him for 13 years and helped grow his service department from 2 to 10. After getting his HVAC, Plumbing and Boiler licenses like his father and grandfather before him, he was inspired strike off on his own. In 2015, with nothing but some tools, an old truck that “Got me from A to B… usually” and a genuine desire to help people and provide the best se

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Company Description

A GRASSROOTS COMPANY WITH HUMBLE BEGINNINGS It was Daniel Vanderhyde’s childhood dream to work for his father’s company. He worked as a plumber for him for 13 years and helped grow his service department from 2 to 10. After getting his HVAC, Plumbing and Boiler licenses like his father and grandfather before him, he was inspired strike off on his own. In 2015, with nothing but some tools, an old truck that “Got me from A to B… usually” and a genuine desire to help people and provide the best se

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Vetted Pro Report

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Licensing, Insurance, Bonding, Entity Status, Accreditations and much more information is only included in our Vetted Pro Business Plan.

If you own this business or would like to obtain this information from the business owner please contact us here.

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Vetted Business Code of Conduct Pledge

All Vetted businesses agree to honor the code of conduct pledge. It’s a pledge that reflects their commitment to the highest level of service and support in their vertical and local market.

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